
As a very visual person, I always see the shots flash through my brain as I write. Knowing the story I’m writing is out of my budget can be a real downer, but I try not to let that affect everything I write. At least my brain can think up these amazing images that are sometime too spectacular or beautiful to ever be real anyway. That’s what makes writing so special. The fact that you paint the pictures in your head, so it looks different for everyone. Even if you are just the reader, you create the look of the character in your mind and their entire universe.

Think of Harry Potter before the movies. Everyone had their own unique perception of Potter. In some way, the film altered your version of Potter leaving an imprint of a actor in the place where you used to have your own painted image. It really makes you appreciate writing as an art form because it allows people the freedom to come up with their own images baed on the descriptions the author provides.

Directing and producing your own content gives you the power to share your own perceptions of your fantasy world, or at least get as close as you can to it with your budget and the actors available to you. It takes writing to a whole new level, but at the same time, it cheats readers of using their imagination, doing all the work for them.

Still, there is nothing like casting a scene from something you’ve written and finding an actor who fits the role. It’s a wonderful feeling for a writer, and I prefer doing it all–writing, casting, producing and directing. But I realize that no matter what life brings, I never want to stop writing. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to…

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