So Much to Do, So Little Sleep…

There are a few tweaks left for the color and sound on J&B, but it is essentially done! Woohoo!!! It looks so wonderful, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone! All that is left now are the effects shots. Yesterday, I worked on a trailer and have now handed it to Brad to do his pass before we post it.

When you factor in all the things that have to happen in the day, like getting my twins off to school, cleaning my house, doing laundry, etc…It’s difficult to find the time to juggle all our projects, and get in sleep. Rome 444 is rehearsing this week and filming next week. The costumes should be arriving today. This weekend, we check out the location. I’m booking crew and searching for a few props. Last night, I revised the feature script and did a lot of new writing. I really love this story. It has war and all the dark things that come with it, and it has love and all the sweet things that come with it. Overall, it’s a great mix.

Last night I knew I needed to get to bed early, since I hadn’t had much sleep the night before. Then, I picked up Rome 444 just for a quick read-through, but as most writers know, there is nothing quick when it comes to looking at your work. Finally, at 3 in the morning, I was at a place where I could stop tinkering. I fell into bed exhausted to dream of Nero and Camilla and all their adventures. If there could just be a pill invented that could eliminate the need to sleep, I would get a lot more done, but I realize, it still would never be enough time to do everything I want to do. Now at 2pm, I am cradling a cup of coffee thinking I need to get some sleep tonight, which means I need to stay away from my scripts and get in bed. We’ll see if it actually happens. My Sci-Fi series has been calling my name…

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