Rome Revisions…

Today I have been revising my feature Rome 444B.C. It’s a screenplay I wrote last year that is on an epic scale, and I love it! It starts with Nereus as a boy celebrating his birthday with his father, when the beautiful day turns to darkness as an invading army wreaks havoc on his home. His best friend, Marcus, saves his life. Years pass and we see Nereus and Marcus as battle trained men, ready for vengeance against the King who stole their lives. When Nereus meets the King’s young wife, he kidnaps her. Queen Camilla is feisty and doesn’t take kindly to Nereus’s overbearing ways. She thinks he’s a monster, but soon learns that it is the King who is a traitor and a mad man. Nereus shows his true colors when he saves the Queen from a vagabond who brutally attacks her. That is just the beginning of their story. There are twists and turns and lots of battles. It’s got everything. Thrills, violence, love and laughter. The story is strong, and my revision pass is to flesh out descriptions, clean up the grammar and add any necessary beats to make it sing.

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