Fay Feedback…

Fay is complete and out to a few people for feedback. I heard back from my sister who says it made her cry. That made me smile because it means I’ve done my job. A few minor tweaks later, and I read it again. Now, it’s me who’s crying and not the gentle tear that crawls down your cheek, but the sob in your throat…”Oh my God, I can hardly breath” type of cry. I really like this story. The core of the narrative is based on how women think when it comes to love, and how deeply they want to be loved. For this reason, it will connect strongly with a female audience because Jackson is every woman’s fantasy man. He is just so perfect. Brad says it’s like an Opera, and I love that. My favorite being La Traviata, an Italian love story with a tragic end that left me curled into a ball in my seat with my face drenched in tears. The best stories are the ones that stimulate an emotional response and leave a lasting impression. Fay achieves that…at least when it comes to my sister and me. I’m excited to hear back from more people.

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