A Baby Writer?…

In the Entertainment Biz a “Baby Writer” is one who is not yet represented. You may have written more scripts than those who are represented, and they may be scales better, but it doesn’t matter unless you have the representation to command attention. It’s the sad truth in the industry and one of the reasons I believe the movies in Hollywood suffer from lack of originality. It’s also why there is a big push for industry insiders to hold their own contest to find unique voices outside the mainstream.

Tonight I talked to a man who called himself a “baby writer,” and I couldn’t help but think he was selling himself short. I don’t care what Hollywood wants to label you, if you’ve been writing your whole life, you are nowhere near a “baby writer.” I find it depressing that an industry tries to package people in little boxes that end up hurting the entire business in the end. Thank God for the independent figures out there who strive to find the talented writers with unique voices!

How many people travel hundreds of miles to make it out here in L.A. only to get shut out or ignored because they don’t know anyone? My husband is very blessed to work in the industry and know several people, but even knowing the right people doesn’t guarantee anything. Times are changing. The internet is opening doors that otherwise would remain closed for talented writers searching for a shot.

Writing is a profession that often pays little except for satisfaction. A writer HAS to write. It’s a need that will not go away, almost like a compulsion. I love writers because I understand them, and I root for them. It’s one thing to be able to do what you love, but to be able to make a living doing what you love, well that’s just amazing!

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